Kisko Year in Review 2021
Time for another Year in Review! Here’s what has been going on at Kisko for the last 12 months. We also encourage you to make your own list! It’s a great way to reflect on the previous year! 😊

This year we:
- Had awesome parties
- Anna and AnttiS published three episodes of Hattutehtaan ihmiset podcast
- Launched a new podcast “Softaostamisen podcast” and released six episodes
- Vesa and AnttiA had time for only two new ATK-hetki podcast episodes (but they were really good ones :D)
- We hired a great bunch of people and we are still hiring
- Organised online version of Euruko conference
- We were listed on Talented’s top 50 place to work as a developer
- Our client Springvest got listed in Nasdaq First North stock exchange

At work Vesa did bunch of architecture design and automation work with our lovely clients and helped teams with all-the-stacks development when need arose. He also had jolly time working with the Kisko steering group folks who continued steering the ship this year.
At home he joined Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu club and did some more training with fellow Kiskonians interested in the sport. Moved into a new place (with a sauna!) where he had great time with his new PS5.
Kisko Bookclub was resurrected from the Covid slumber in the end of the year and we read The Phoenix Project: A Novel About IT, DevOps, and Helping Your Business Win. Next year we will read more about technical topics, or design, or culture, or psychology, anthropology, business, productivity, gardening or something else people find interesting.
2021 was pretty straightforward sequel to 2020: My project work mainly consisted of working as the lead designer to our customer Sitowise’s Voima platform, and in addition I’ve been working on Kisko sales.
It was my sixth year at Kisko, which I guess is less significant than the last year being the fifth. But at least I built some healthy (?) habits this year; I’ve never been much of a reader, but as of writing this, I’ve read 50 books this year, got back in the groove with going to the gym regularly between July and December (recently put on hiatus by the omicron variant), and hey, played a healthy dose of video games as well (1v1 Dr. Mario matches are almost a daily ritual in my household).
This year I also helped organise Euruko ’21, the greatest Ruby conference in Europe. Due to the circumstances, we were limited to organising it online, but I had fun helping Kisko-alumni Matias Korhonen make it happen. Matias chronicled the road to Euruko ’21 in his blog. Also our high energy marketing department managed to redesign Kisko’s website (it was fun to work on simple web design for once)!
Oh, and I’m a podcaster now. We started Softaostamisen Podcast with Akonniemi this year. I think it’s a pretty good podcast.
- New process for product development tested and now for real in Sitowise Voima - great result of the team work.
- Andrei participated and enjoyed online Euruko, but still not a fan of online events except work-related.
- Mainly worked on Sitowise Voima, Puhti, Tougo and supporting others. New customers and _products_ here for 2022.
- Enjoyed office team few times, but feels like less than 2020.
- New people came to the company, some people left, sometimes happy, sometimes sad.
- Nice BJJ sessions with AnttiA, Vesa and Virgil, great progress.
- Company parties were great, chill and good place for having personal talks.
- In personal life: continuing learning suomenkieli and getting more confident, relocated spouse to Finland, enjoyed spouse’s pregnancy period, baby birth and now enjoy days with Robert the son.
Antti is a dad now! He and his wife, Kristiina, got a healthy girl Iines in end of February. One positive thing about Covid-19 was that Antti could work more from home and enjoy some time with the kid.
Antti continued working on WODconnect which got a huge performance boost and bunch of new features during 2021. Roadmap is pretty clear and we are excited to see what new features 2022 brings for WODconnect.
Antti continued with Brazilian jiu-jitsu hobby and had the opportunity to also compete in Finnish masters nationals (he mostly lost there :D). Antti also continued his stand-up comedy hobby. Here's one stand-up gig from him.
Our whole Kisko team sends a huge thanks to our clients and everyone else involved, and wishes you all a Happy New Year! 🎇